E-visa Service for Kenya

All visitors including infants and children who intend to travel to the Republic
of Kenya must have an approved Electronic Travel Authorisation (eTA) before
the start of their journey.

Please have the following documents ready before starting your application.
For all travellers

  • Valid passport for at least six (6) months after your planned date of arrival into Kenya, with at least one blank page 
  • Selfie or passport-type photo
  • Contact information, email address and phone number
  • Details of your arrival and departure itinerary 
  • Accommodation booking confirmation(s)
  • Credit card, debit card or other means of payment

Kenya has launched eCitizen, an easy-to-use and efficient e-visa service, where all nationals requiring a visa can log onto the online portal and apply for their Kenya entry visa before travel.

Visit the electronic visa page at

Ban on Plastic Bags for Africa

Kenya and Tanzania join over 40 countries that have made plastic bags illegal,in a positive effort to reduce the impact on our environment. However, there may be implications for our guests travelling to this region, as the use, manufacture and importation of all plastic bags is now illegal in East Africa

Plastic bags are everywhere these days, and while they may seem like a cheap, easy way to carry our goods, they are wreaking havoc on the planet in a number of ways.
Please think carefully when packing when visiting the following countries: Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Botswana, Rwanda

What does this mean for those travelling to our beautiful country? Possibly not too much depending on how you pack. The fines and jail time set out as punishment for violations are targeting manufacturers and importers of plastic bags, not your average tourist travelling with their personal belongings in a Ziploc bag. Luggage may be searched on entry and any kind of shopping bag (like your local grocery store type bags) will be taken away, so best not to put your shoes in one of these bags.

Please note that effective 1st June, 2019 Tanzania will enforce a total ban on single-use plastic bags. The manufacture, use or importation of plastic bags, including garbage bags, carrier bags and shopping bags, will become illegal and offenders may face heavy fines. Passengers and visitors intending to arrive at any Tanzania airport and border point, including Zanzibar, are advised to avoid packing any plastic bags in their in-hand luggage or checked baggage as they could face penalties on arrival. Items purchased at an airport before boarding the aircraft should also be removed from plastic bags. 

Similarly, transparent “zip-lock” plastic bags that some airlines require passengers to use for keeping liquids, cosmetics, toiletries etc. are also not permitted and should be removed before disembarking.


Healthy Travel Tips: 

If you’re thinking of travelling overseas, it’s important you understand the risks of contracting COVID-19 in your destination, the financial implications this may have on you and those travelling with you and what to do if you test positive while travelling. You’ll also need to understand the requirements for returning to Australia.

You need to take special care when travelling. Infectious diseases, including COVID-19 can have a serious impact on your health. Healthcare systems in other destinations can be quickly overwhelmed in an outbreak, making them harder to access for any health concern.

You can minimise your risk of becoming unwell by making sure that your travel vaccinations are up to date. This includes being vaccinated against COVID-19.

Follow local health advice and continue to take simple hygiene and infectious disease control steps, such as

  • wearing a mask
  • frequently washing your hands
  • physical distancing.
  • Plan your travel carefully. Read our travel advice to check the risks and requirements specific to your destination. We continue to monitor the situation closely. Subscribe to Smartraveller for updates to stay informed if something changes.




Travellers will be asked to produce the required documentation at check-in for each flight.

Travelling with Children to Africa: Documents required for travelling through a port of entry of the republic of South Africa             

Foreign visa exempt child accompanied by both parents

  • valid passport

The following may be required when travelling with one parent:

  1. valid passport
  2. Reason for the absence of the other parent
  3. copy of a birth certificate/equivalent document
  4. parental consent letter
  5. copy of the passport / identity document of the absent parent
  6. contact details of the absent parent

where applicable –

  • copy of a court order granting full parental responsibilities and rights or legal guardianship in respect of the child.
  • copy of a death certificate of the deceased parent

Further documentation may be required. For full details please visit the Department of Home Affairs website.

Documents required for travelling through a port of entry of the Republic of Namibia

Minors younger than 18 years travelling to Namibia must have an unabridged birth certificate. In addition, when travelling: 

a) with an adult who is not their biological parent: an affidavit from their parents giving consent for the minor to travel with the adult is required. 
b) with an adult other than a parent/legal guardian: copies of their legal guardians’/parents’ passports or documents of identity are required. Contact details of the parents/legal guardians should also be provided. 
c) with a parent: an affidavit from the other parent giving consent for the minor to travel is required. A death certificate should be provided if one parent is deceased. 
d) unaccompanied: an affidavit from their parents/legal guardians consenting their travel, a letter containing the contact details and residential information of the person who will receive the minor passenger, a copy of the identity document, valid passport or permanent residence permit of the person who will receive the minor passenger, and the contact details of the minor’s parents/legal guardians are required.

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Our Essential Vacation Tips

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lobortis nulla non mauris fermentum, eu condimentum ligula rutrum.rnrnIn tristique lobortis metus quis pretium. Vestibulum consectetur mi vel tellus aliquam, vitae luctus augue finibus. Nunc faucibus, nibh scelerisque imperdiet ullamcorper, est augue fermentum turpis, in consectetur nunc ligula et neque. Nunc gravida massa auctor quam sagittis mollis. Cras aliquet lectus quis maximus euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque ut nunc dignissim, pretium lorem id, gravida sapien. Nunc eleifend lorem eget urna venenatis fringilla. Ut vestibulum at sapien a condimentum. Duis nec viverra eros, id tempus ipsum. Curabitur at magna pulvinar, sollicitudin dui ut, placerat urna. Curabitur condimentum orci vitae purus blandit efficitur. Nulla commodo magna interdum mi viverra vestibulum. Etiam rhoncus metus ligula, quis cursus ante placerat in.rnrnSed tristique scelerisque elit, eget iaculis augue maximus sed. Nam commodo lorem vitae ex vulputate, ac interdum nibh posuere. Donec fermentum, lectus in commodo venenatis, libero dui congue ipsum, eget pharetra metus dui at diam. Sed mollis purus eget hendrerit tincidunt. Nulla dapibus et quam et molestie. In ultrices varius enim ut ultrices. Etiam blandit enim ac hendrerit aliquet. Duis non maximus ligula, sit amet aliquam sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vitae tellus varius, aliquet ante eu, iaculis nisl. Cras sed interdum lorem, ut rhoncus ipsum. Curabitur lacinia, sem interdum vestibulum mattis, velit arcu hendrerit leo, hendrerit vestibulum est augue nec ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla pellentesque nulla lacus, non commodo nisl venenatis at.

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Posuere sapien volutpat ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et blandit tellus fermentum ut. Aenean leo quam, hendrerit nec ante in, malesuada pellentesque mauris. Aliquam lectus sapien, dapibus eu sodales imperdiet, pretium in turpis.rnrnProin bibendum mauris sit amet nulla lacinia varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc ut malesuada risus, quis fringilla metus. Suspendisse fringilla at lorem et tempus. Phasellus mattis nisl sit amet neque hendrerit, eu vulputate libero sollicitudin. Fusce condimentum maximus dolor. Praesent diam risus, sollicitudin sit amet blandit non, tempor sit amet elit. Nam ac enim dolor.rnrnDuis porttitor accumsan orci, a imperdiet sapien semper quis. Cras libero justo, consectetur sit amet ligula id, maximus faucibus nulla. Aliquam eros ipsum, blandit non risus id, pellentesque tincidunt enim. Nam egestas ornare molestie. Vestibulum posuere efficitur erat, vel consectetur lorem euismod molestie. Duis a efficitur lacus. Suspendisse elementum at risus id sodales. Donec accumsan non sem quis pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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Mauris id sapien nec neque luctus consequat quis sed tellus. Phasellus blandit eros at justo rutrum, vel posuere sapien volutpat. Ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et blandit tellus fermentum ut. Aenean leo quam, hendrerit nec ante in, malesuada pellentesque mauris. Aliquam lectus sapien, dapibus eu sodales imperdiet, pretium in turpis.rnrnProin bibendum mauris sit amet nulla lacinia varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc ut malesuada risus, quis fringilla metus. Suspendisse fringilla at lorem et tempus. Phasellus mattis nisl sit amet neque hendrerit, eu vulputate libero sollicitudin. Fusce condimentum maximus dolor. Praesent diam risus, sollicitudin sit amet blandit non, tempor sit amet elit. Nam ac enim dolor.rnrnDuis porttitor accumsan orci, a imperdiet sapien semper quis. Cras libero justo, consectetur sit amet ligula id, maximus faucibus nulla. Aliquam eros ipsum, blandit non risus id, pellentesque tincidunt enim. Nam egestas ornare molestie. Vestibulum posuere efficitur erat, vel consectetur lorem euismod molestie. Duis a efficitur lacus. Suspendisse elementum at risus id sodales. Donec accumsan non sem quis pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Multi-Day vs Single-DayTrips

Quisque erat dui, semper eget arcu et, convallis laoreet nunc. Maecenas bibendum porttitor augue, in vestibulum est lacinia vitae. Nulla varius dapibus ipsum, non fermentum enim placerat eget. Etiam leo nisi, aliquam sit amet dui fermentum, commodo rutrum arcu. Donec fermentum scelerisque facilisis.rnrnIn tristique lobortis metus quis pretium. Vestibulum consectetur mi vel tellus aliquam, vitae luctus augue finibus. Nunc faucibus, nibh scelerisque imperdiet ullamcorper, est augue fermentum turpis, in consectetur nunc ligula et neque. Nunc gravida massa auctor quam sagittis mollis. Cras aliquet lectus quis maximus euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque ut nunc dignissim, pretium lorem id, gravida sapien. Nunc eleifend lorem eget urna venenatis fringilla. Ut vestibulum at sapien a condimentum. Duis nec viverra eros, id tempus ipsum. Curabitur at magna pulvinar, sollicitudin dui ut, placerat urna. Curabitur condimentum orci vitae purus blandit efficitur.rnrnSed tristique scelerisque elit, eget iaculis augue maximus sed. Nam commodo lorem vitae ex vulputate, ac interdum nibh posuere. Donec fermentum, lectus in commodo venenatis, libero dui congue ipsum, eget pharetra metus dui at diam. Sed mollis purus eget hendrerit tincidunt. Nulla dapibus et quam et molestie. In ultrices varius enim ut ultrices. Etiam blandit enim ac hendrerit aliquet. Duis non maximus ligula, sit amet aliquam sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vitae tellus varius, aliquet ante eu, iaculis nisl. Cras sed interdum lorem, ut rhoncus ipsum. Curabitur lacinia, sem interdum vestibulum mattis, velit arcu hendrerit leo, hendrerit vestibulum est augue nec ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla pellentesque nulla lacus, non commodo nisl venenatis at.

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Justo rutrum vel posuere sapien volutpat. Ut facilisis nulla at est ornare, vitae pharetra lectus hendrerit. Pellentesque sit amet vulputate ligula. Nullam suscipit hendrerit metus, et blandit tellus fermentum ut. Aenean leo quam, hendrerit nec ante in, malesuada pellentesque mauris. Aliquam lectus sapien, dapibus eu sodales imperdiet, pretium in turpis.rnrnProin bibendum mauris sit amet nulla lacinia varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc ut malesuada risus, quis fringilla metus. Suspendisse fringilla at lorem et tempus. Phasellus mattis nisl sit amet neque hendrerit, eu vulputate libero sollicitudin. Fusce condimentum maximus dolor. Praesent diam risus, sollicitudin sit amet blandit non, tempor sit amet elit. Nam ac enim dolor.rnrnDuis porttitor accumsan orci, a imperdiet sapien semper quis. Cras libero justo, consectetur sit amet ligula id, maximus faucibus nulla. Aliquam eros ipsum, blandit non risus id, pellentesque tincidunt enim. Nam egestas ornare molestie. Vestibulum posuere efficitur erat, vel consectetur lorem euismod molestie. Duis a efficitur lacus. Suspendisse elementum at risus id sodales. Donec accumsan non sem quis pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.